
Yasmin Abo-zeid

Director of the Center 



Yasmin Abo-zeid

Yasmin Abo-zeid, an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics, Helwan University, Egypt. She occupied several managerial positions at Helwan University, she was working as International and Financial Cooperation project’s Expert and Nanotechnology Project Coordinator at Strategic Planning Unit, Helwan University (2015 – 2019). Then, she was a Deputy Director of Strategic Planning Unit, Helwan University (2020 – 2021). She was awarded her Ph.D. from School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, UK, 2014. She received a Newton Mosharafa Fellowship in 2017 and moved to School of Pharmacy, University College London (UCL) in Jan 2018. She was successful in developing a collaboration with London Metropolitan University (LMU), UK in May 2018 and managed to work in a research project that was jointly funded by LMU and UCL. She was awarded an Erasmus fund for staff mobility to visit Granada University, Spain, 2021. She has attended several conferences in UK, Germany, Portugal, U.S.A. for both oral and poster presentations. Her research interests involve applications of nanotechnology to improve antiviral and antibacterial therapy.


Mobile Phone: +201092792846


Publications marked * are as corresponding author.

  1. Abo-zeid, Y., Amer, A., El-Houssieny, B., Mahmoud, M., Sakran, W., 20 Overview on bacterial resistance and nanoparticles to overcome bacterial resistance. J. Adv. Pharm. Res. 0, 0–0.
  2. Abo-zeid, Y., Diab, R., sanad, rania, skran,  wedad, Recent advances in herbal-based nanomedicine for anti-inflammatory purposes. J. Adv. Pharm. Res. 0, 0–0.
  3. Bakkar, M.R., Faraag, A.H.I., Soliman, E.R.S., Fouda, M.S., Sarguos, A.M.M., McLean, G.R., Hebishy, A.M.S., Elkhouly, G.E., Raya, N.R., Abo-zeid, Y.*, Rhamnolipids Nano-Micelles as a Potential Hand Sanitizer. Antibiotics 10, 751., Q1, IF, 4.639
  4. *Abo-zeid Y., Nasser S. Ismail, Nadia M. Hamdy, 2020. A molecular docking study repurposes FDA approved iron oxide nanoparticles to treat and control COVID-19 infection. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Q2, IF. 773
  5. *Abo-zeid Y., Gareth R. Williams, Lila Touabi, Gary R. McLean, 2020. An investigation of Rhinovirus Infection on Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Q1, IF, 213.
  6. Wang Y., Zhang Z., Abo-zeid Y., Bear C.J., Davies G. Lei X.,Williams R. G., SiO2-coated layered gadolinium hydroxides for simultaneous drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Q2, IF, 2.179
  7. *Abo-zeid, Y., Garnett, M.C., Polymer Nanoparticle as a Delivery System for Ribavirin: Do Nanoparticle avoid uptake by Red Blood Cells?. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol,Q2, IF, 2.606
  8. *Abo-zeid, Y., Williams, G.R, The potential antimicrobial applications of metal oxide nanoparticles: A systematic review. Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. 1–36. Q1, IF, 7.6
  9. *Abo-zeid, Y., Mantovani, G., Irving, W.L., Garnett, M.C., 2018a. Synthesis of nucleoside-boronic esters hydrophobic pro-drugs: A possible route to improve hydrophilic nucleoside drug loading into polymer nanoparticles. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol. 46, 354–364. 027. Q2, IF, 2.606
  10. *Abo-zeid, Y., Urbanowicz, R.A., Thomson, B.J., Irving, W.L., Tarr, A.W., Garnett, M.C., 2018b. Enhanced nanoparticle uptake into virus infected cells: Could nanoparticles be useful in antiviral therapy?, International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Q1, IF, 213
  11. Burgess, K., Li, H., Abo-Zeid, Y., Fatimah, Williams, G.R., 2018. The effect of molecular properties on active ingredient release from electrospun eudragit fibers. Pharmaceutics 10. Q1, IF, 773
  12. Hashim, F., El-Ridy, M., Nasr, M., Abdallah, Y., 2010. Preparation and characterization of niosomes containing ribavirin            for           liver            targeting.           Drug                        17,            282 – 287. Q2, IF, 3.09



  • Grants awarded (£100,000) from the Egyptian Government to do postdoctoral fellowship in School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University,
  • Grants awarded (£8600) from L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Talents program – Egypt to do postdoctoral fellowship in School of Pharmacy, University of Birmingham, UK.


  • Islamic Development Bank Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by Islamic Development Bank (£9000) to support my visit as an academic research visitor at Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Parmacy, United Arab Emirates University, Emirtaes


  • Newton-Mosharafa Researcher Links – Travel Grants – funded by British Council/STDF (£13040); to support my visit as an academic research visitor at Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, UCL, London,


  • Grant awarded (£2000) by the Hepatitis C Congress Conference to present two research papers as posters at Hepatitis C Congress Conference, Frankfurt Messe Congress Centre, Frankfurt,
  • Grant awarded (£1500) by 7th International Nanoscience Student Conference (INASCON), London, UK to present a talk at University College London, London,


  • Scholarship awarded (£150,000) by the Egyptian Government to do PhD at Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham,



  • Grant awarded from Science Technology Development Fund (STDF), Call 1 / Emergency Targeted Grant / Special Targeted Call Grants (£100,000) to fund research project entitled; New Strategies for infection prevention and control measures to combat COVID-19
  • Grant awarded (£125,000) from Helwan University to renew Laboratories at Pharmaceutics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University